Saturday Morning Cycles

While the weekly turbo training sessions are an invaluable training toolduring the winter months, nothing really beats getting out on the road on yourbike. Unfortunately due to short days and inclement weather at this time of theyear it’s not always possible, or indeed safe, to get out on the road. In orderto encourage members to get out on their bikes the Blackwater Triathlon Cluborganises weekend cycles where groups of members can get together and head outin one or more groups, depending on numbers and fitness levels. As is the casein all of the club’s events we aim to cater for everybody, from the leastexperienced to the members who virtually live in the saddle. Each week a numberof routes of varying distance and difficulty will be chosen and a differentgroup will tackle each route. Members can select which group and route bestsuits their own particular level. Details of each weekend’s routes will be upon Whatsapp and Facebook each week. All members are encouraged to take part.The recent unseasonably mild weather has been a huge boon from a cyclingperspective, and we had large numbers out on our first two Saturday cycles ofthe year. Each morning we met at the Texaco service station on the Cork Roadand were on the road for 9am. We split in to three groups, depending on levelsof experience and fitness, and completed distances ranging from 22km to 60km.The beginners’ group was set up specifically for new members who may not havemuch cycling experience. The group was led out by a number of more experiencedcyclists who also give instruction on basic riding skills, safety on the roadand how to ride in a large group. We would strongly recommend these Saturdaymorning spins, no matter what level you are at. Hopefully , weather permitting,these rides will continue for the foreseeable future.




Winter Training