The Rebel Plunge

The 4rd annual RebelPlunge open water swim took place on Sunday the 9th of June as thelast event of the Cork HarbourFestival. The Swim was 3.8km downstream from Port of Cork to Blackrock Village. 294 brave souls entered the water at 5p.m. on Sundayevening with the Blackwater Triathlon Club providing 11 of the 230 swimmers thattook part on the day. There was a greatmix of swimmers taking part in the event, from hardened sea swimmers torelative novices. The Swimis along a spectator friendly course, with views from the Marina to the Finish. It was open to both Wetsuitand Skins (togs only) swimmers. The weather on the day was a littleunpredictable with occasional spells of sunshine interspersed by torrentialdownpours. Indeed one of our members was heard to comment at one stage that itwas nearly wetter out of the river than in it! The joys of an Irish summer?Conditions in the water weren’t too bad and the Blackwater contingent all thouroughlyenjoyed their swim. Frank Hallissey (49:12) and Dave Mulcahy (57:06) wereamongst the brave souls who didn’t resort to wetsuits. Ever consistent, Dave finished 20 seconds fasterthan in last year’s event and 23 seconds faster than his 2017 time. ShaneCollins was the first of the wetsuit crew out of the water in 47:05, followedby Aidan Sheridan (49:25), Martin Feeney (51:10),Christian Board (51:29),Stephen Dalton (52:11), Peter O’Brien (52:48), David Murphy (56:00), MarieMacAree (57:13) and Joe Scanlan (1:01:03). Great times all around, and anexcellent opportunity for those doing the Ironman in Youghal in a couple ofweeks to get a long swim under their belts. The event was put together as part of the Cork HarbourFestival, and the team could not have done a better job. Ribs, kayaks, goodybags, hats, showers, food, changing rooms all pointed to a very well run eventwith any funds raised on the day going to the Cork Lions Club? Well doneto the organisers and everyone who took part on the day. Definitely an event tomark down in the diary for 2020.