The Ennis Duathlon

The unseasonably mild winter came to an end lastweekend as March arrived, and with it came wind, rain, snow and hail. Blackwater Triathlon Club member, Dave Murphy,wasn’t going to let a little bad weather put him off though, and on Sundaymorning he travelled to Ennis in County Clare to take part in the EnnisDuathlon. The race consisted of a 4km run, followed by a 14km cycle andfinishing with another 4km run. While many of us were still tucked up warm inour beds or looking out the windows at the pouring rain, Dave and severalhundred other athletes were making light of the conditions and lining up at thestart line. Despite the wind and rain and hills Dave finished the event in anexcellent time of 58:41, coming in 6th place overall. Kudos to Daveand all the other athletes who turned out on a miserable morning to take part.Credit must also go to the race organisers, Ennis Triathlon Club, and all themarshals and spectators who helped make it a friendly and accessible event.