The Edge Sports Blackwater Triathlon 2019.
The Edge Sports Blackwater Triathlon will be takingplace in Fermoy on Sunday the 11th of August 2019. Despite the well publicisedissues with the river, following the damage to the weir, our races will begoing ahead as normal. There will be three different distances available toathletes on the day, a try-a-tri race, a sprint distance race and an Olympicdistance event. The try-a-tri race is designed with the needs of beginnertriathletes in mind and is made up of a 250m downstream swim followed by a 20kmcycle and a 6km run. This year will be the 12th running of thesprint race, which is made up of a 750m swim, 20km cycle and a 6km run. It hasbeen a very popular event over the years, attracting large numbers of highclass competitors to Fermoy from all over the country. Last year was the firsttime we held the Olympic distance race and it proved to be an instant success.In fact we have had to add an extra wave to the Olympic event this year tofacilitate the numbers. The Olympic distance race consists of a 1500 metreswim, followed by a 40 km cycle and a 10 km run. At this stage there are veryfew places left for anyone who is interested in taking on the Olympic challengethis year. Fermoy is uniquely situated to hold an event such as this. The townis based in the heart of Munster with excellent road links and of course wealso have the River Blackwater, which is ideal for the swim. Like last year, inorder to facilitate the extra numbers and the longer duration of the race, wehave, in conjunction with the Fermoy Town Council and Gardai, made the decisionto hold the races with a Sunday morning start. While it will mean a very earlystart for the Triathlon Club members who are organising the event and for theathletes taking part, it will also ensure that the town of Fermoy itselfsuffers the least possible amount of disruption. The race will be over bylunchtime and the competitors and their families and supporters will be able torelax and enjoy the hospitality of Fermoy for the afternoon. Once again we willbe relying on the good will of the people of Fermoy and hopefully they willcome out in large numbers to support the athletes during the race. Entry to theraces is available via the Triathlon Ireland website. For further informationplease check out the Blackwater triathlon Club website and Facebook page.