The Carrick on Suir Triathlon

The banks of the River Suir were once again thesetting for the Carrick on Suir Sprint Triathlon 2019, which took place onSunday the 4th of August. The race is now in its 26th year and drawsa large number of triathletes from around the country and is also one of thepreferred races for first time participants to the world of Triathlon. Over 200triathletes took lined up at the start on Sunday. Amongst them were two ofBlackwater Triathlon Club’s finest, Joe Scanlan and Donal Murphy. Joe is anexperienced triathlete at this stage and has competed every distance available,from sprints to Ironman events. In fact he had competed in the Tri Kingdom Comerace in Fenit just 24 hours earlier. Donal is a relative newcomer to triathlon,having only recently joined the club. The race started with a 750m downriverswim, part of the reason why it is so popular with relative beginners to thesport. Next came a fast and relatively flat 20km cycle through the countrysidearound the town of Carrick on Suir. The race finished with a flat 5km run alongthe banks of the river. Following his 33rd place finish in 1:15.12the day before, Joe showed how consistent he is over the distance, finishing in37th place overall in 1:14:34. Donal was in 50th placeoverall, crossing the line just a few minutes later in1:17.47. Well done toboth the BTC lads and to everyone who took part on the day.


The Edge Sports Blackwater Triathlon 2019


Tri Kingdom Come