Blackwater Triathlon Club

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Winter Training

As part of the Blackwater Triathlon Club’s ongoing commitment to improvement wehave arranged a number of different types of training to keep our members fit andfocused over the winter. These sessions give Blackwater Triathlon Club membersaccess to high quality coaching where they can focus on improving their technique ineach of the different core triathlon disciplines as well as maintaining their strength andstamina over the winter period. They also serve as a social outlet in the club givingmembers an opportunity to meet and train with one another. This is very important astriathlon training can often be quite a solitary pursuit as members try to fit training in tobusy lives, especially now as more new members join the club. As 2018 begins and thenew Triathlon season rapidly approaches our current club training regime includes poolbased swimming sessions, turbo training sessions for indoor cycling, two weekly coretraining sessions to help improve general strength and fitness, running coachingsessions and clinics and, weather permitting, Saturday morning group cycles. Thesesessions are all aimed at the full spectrum of club members, whether a “newbie” aimingto compete in their first sprint triathlon or a triathlon veteran in training for yet anotherIronman.