The West Cork Duathlon

The WestCork Duathlon took place in the picturesque surroundings of Clonakilty onSunday morning last, the 24th of March. Bright morning sunshinegreeted the 78 competitors as they waited at the start line for the 9.30 start.The race consisted of a 2.5 km run, followed by a 23km cycle, before finishingup with another 2.5km run. Just enough to clear a few Sunday morning cobwebs.The ideal weather conditions made for some really good times and the fourBlackwater Triathlon Club members who had ventured down to West Cork for therace were no exception. The first BTC member home was Justin Ryan, in a time of1:03:03 and 4th place overall. Less than 90 seconds behind Justin,in 6th place overall, was Dave Murphy in 1:04:26. This was just anappetiser for Dave who having finished the race in Clonakilty then made his wayto North Cork for the Mallow 10 mile race later that morning! Harry Feeneycrossed the finish line in 13th place in 1:08:58 and our sole femalerepresentative on the day, Brighid Liston, finished in 1:21:04. Brighid took asmall break from triathlon related activities last year to have a baby and it’sgood to see her back on the road. All in all the race was a friendly, wellmarshalled and well organised event, and a great excuse for a trip to samplethe hospitality of West Cork.


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