The Kilkenny Duathlon

The Kilkenny Duathlon took place on Sunday the 7th of Aprilin the beautiful grounds of Kilkenny Castle. The Blackwater Triathlon Club wasrepresented there by two club stalwarts, Michael Mulcahy and Mick Beston. Thisis a very popular early season race, in a stunning location and 250 athleteslined up at the start line on Sunday morning to take part. The morning wascrisp and clear as the race began with a 5km run around the estate and outalong the river. The run was a mix of trail and road and the athletes went offat a very fast pace. Following the first run, it was time to get on their bikesas the athletes headed out on the 20km cycle out along the Waterford road andback. The roads were quite busy for a Sunday morning and there were a few busyroundabouts to contend with at the start. Once out on the main road though, theshackles were off and it was time to give it some welly! The race finished withanother 3.5km run around the grounds of the castle, just in case they hadforgotten how beautiful it was during their spin on the bikes. The racefinished on the spectacular green in front of the castle. Michael Mulcahyfinished in 29th place overall, in an excellent time of 1:13:18.Mick Beston finished in 1:19:06, 3rd in his age category. Greatresults from both of them. As usual it was a really well organised event withloads of marshals and friendly spectators. Definitely a race to aim for in theearly season schedule.