The Great Railway Run

The Great Railway Run is a charity running event organised by the Carrigaline & District Lions Club with the support of Carrigaline Road Runners AC. Therewere two events available on the day, with 297 finishers in the 10km race and434 in the 25km run. The run starts on the quays in the city centre and takes placealongthe route of the old railway line from Cork city to Carrigaline. The 25km raceis a popular event for people training for the Cork City Marathon in June andis an ideal event to test pace and fitness ahead of that. Blackwater TriathlonClub member Bernard (Barney) Kiernan took part in the 25km event on Sunday. Thepredominantly flat route passes through Blackrock, Mahon, Rochestown, Passage,Monkstown, Raffeen and Shanbally before finally chugging into Carrigaline.Conditions on the day were warm and overcast. The course was pretty flat andfast for the first 22km, but the final 3km has was uphill and Barney and theother competitors really felt the strain at that stage. Barney finished in atime of 2:36:09 and really enjoyed the tea and sandwiches at the finish line.Well done to barney and everyone else who took part on the day.


Blackwater Triathlon Club Spring Training Camp 2019


The Camida Clonmel Duathlon