Blackwater Triathlon Club

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The Battle of Ballinspittle

Easter Bank holiday Monday also saw the runningof the “Battle of Ballinspittle” duathlon. Organised by the Kinsale TriathlonClub, this popular event is part of the BMW National Series and as a resultattracts a very high quality field. The race begins with a 3km road run,followed by an 18km cycle, before finishing with a 5km trail run. ThreeBlackwater Triathlon Club members, Peter O’Brien, Harry Feeny and DermotJohnson made their way down to Ballinspittle to take part on the day. Weatherconditions were perfect as the 150 competitors lined up for the 10am start. Theundulating nature of the course made for a challenging event but the three BTClads acquitted themselves very well on the day. Harry crossed the line in1:14:42, followed by Peter in 1:18:53 and Dermot in 1:22:24. All theparticipants agreed that it was an excellent event, well run and well supportedby the good folks in Kinsale tri Club.