Sunday 8th March 2020
WhileMick, Kay and Frank were taking on the hills of the Beara Peninsula, some ofthe less adventurous members of the Blackwater Triathlon Club were taking partin a few more traditional events around the country. On Sunday the 8th of MarchAshleigh Byrne O’Brien, Therese Ryan, Lisa Crowley and Ken Power took part inthe Duhallow 10 mile race. They travelled to Newmarket, where along with nearly400 other hardy souls they battled the strong winds, hailstones and needlesharp rain showers on the day. Ashleigh even got a personal best on the day,despite the conditions. They all agreed it was a great race, well organisedwith great support from fellow runners as well as the crowd. On the same dayJustin Ryan travelled to Kilsheelan to take part in a 10 mile race there,finishing in 4th place overall. Also on Sunday, Liam O'Connor went to Ennis totake part in the Ennis duathlon, running cycling and running his way to a 7thplace finish on his second time competing in the event. Conditions on the daywere cold and very windy, especially on the return leg of the bike section.Well done to all of our members who took part in events over the weekend. Racingseason is definitely up and running.