Blackwater Triathlon Club

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Jailbreak Triathlon.

The Jailbreak triathlon in Cobh, took place on Saturdaythe 24th of August. Blackwater Triathlon Club was well represented, withseveral members taking part on the day. Justin Ryan, Niamh Fleming, Julian Boeg,Adrian Collins, Eleanor Fennessy and Dave Murphy were all there to compete inthe popular Olympic distance race, which this year was part of the BMW NationalSeries. The swim in the Jailbreak Triathlon is what gives it its name. This isa one of kind race in this part of the country where the athletes get to “jailbreak”from a former prison island across the worlds second largest natural harbour. The 300triathletes that took part on the day were taken by boat across to SpikeIsland, the site of the infamous former prison. The race then began with a 1500mswim to Cobh on the Great island metres to Cobh. This was followed by arelatively flat, fast and technical 40km cycle, before finishing with a flat,scenic, four loop run along the waterfront in Cobh. Julian got an early tasteof the sea conditions on the morning after he was dropped off at the pier onSpike Island. The 500m walk to the shore start isn’t suitable for crutches, soJulian swam it instead. Some people would see this as a disadvantage. Julianjust saw it as a 500m warm up for the main event. The Jailbreak swim can be achallenging one, and over the years, depending on conditions, it has been apretty gruelling swim. However, conditions on Saturday were flat and calm, nearperfect for the swim. Safety is of course a huge consideration and as usualthere were lots of boats and kayaks accompanying the swimmers as they madetheir way across the harbour. The tide pulled towards sea for the middle thirdand then towards the city for the last third, but sighting was easy with thecalm conditions. Julian’s extra 500m warm up paid off and he was fifth out ofthe water. The spectator support in this race was also excellent on Saturday. Withthe start and finish of the race centred in the town itself and the goodweather on the day, it meant that lots of people were out and about to cheerthe athletes on as they got out of the water and made their way to transition.The bike ride was indeed fast and flat, but there was quite a stiff wind on theroad back, just to make sure it wasn’t too easy. The route was well marshalledand every little blemish on the road was marked well in advance, making it amuch safer experience for the cyclists. The four loop run route was out along the estuary walk, up a short hilland down slope back to Cobh station. Athletes’ spirits were kept highthroughout the race by the huge numbers of enthusiastic spectators who cheeredthem on. The marshals, of which there were plenty, were also incrediblyfriendly and enthusiastic on the day, making even the hardest parts of the racea pleasure.

It was a successful day for the BTC crew with Justin Ryan finishing 4thoverall and first in the 25-29 age group category in a very fast time of1:57:29. Eleanor Fennessey finished in 2:30:12, fourth in her age group. AdrianCollins crossed the finish line in 2:35:03, Niamh Fleming in 2:54:38 and Julianfinished in 3:19:12.Allin all it was a brilliantly run race and a credit to the organisers in CobhTriathlon Club and to the people of Cobh.