AGM Presentations

The Blackwater Triathlon Club Annual General Meetingwas held in The Grand Hotel in Fermoy on Friday the 6th of October.Before all the usual AGM business of reading reports, detailing finances andelecting club officials began, the club took the opportunity to recognise thecontributions of three other organisations which had played an important partin our events this year. BTC Chairman Shane Collins presented a cheque to OlanO’Farrell and Judith O’Brien of the Blackwater Sub Aqua Club in recognition ofthe support they provide us every year for all of our water based events.Founded in 1981 and based in Fermoy the Sub Aqua club is also home to theBlackwater Search and Recovery unit. Consisting of 26 search divers and supportpersonnel they provide a vital service for all the users of the river. Duringour annual Triathlon and Aquathlons and The Great Blackwater Swim, they arealways on hand to provide support during the swim section of the races and helpkeep our swimmers safe. This year we also had support from the Killavullen KayakClub during our events. Safety is of paramount importance during our events andit’s vitally important that we have lots of kayakers escorting our swimmers inthe river during the swims. The folks from Killavullen were more than happy togive us a hand this year and Declan O’Keeffe presented a cheque to Tom Luddyand John Brown as a mark of our appreciation. The club also presented a chequeto the Lions Club as part of the proceeds from this year’s Great BlackwaterSwim.  The Blackwater Triathlon Club has always endeavoured to be part of thelocal community in Fermoy. Last year we partnered with The Fermoy Lions Club inorder to organise the inaugural Great Blackwater Swim as part of The FermoyFestival in August. Following the success of last year’s event we decided torun the event again this year and once again we couldn’t have done it withoutthe partnership of The Lions Club. This year’s swim was an even bigger success,with double the numbers of last year’s swim and it was with great pleasure thatDave Mulcahy presented members of the Fermoy Lions club with some of theproceeds of the race. The Lions club do really good work around Fermoy and wehope to continue this association in years to come.

Sub Aqua


Lions Club


Ironman Exploits


Ironman Exploits