The Bulman to Trident Swim
On Saturday May the 18th, fourBlackwater Triathlon Club members took part in the first event of the year onthe Munster open water calendar. The Bulman to Trident swim across Kinsaleharbour started at 4pm on Sunday and amongst the brave souls taking to therather cool harbour were Mary Collins, Dave Mulcahy, Declan O’Keeffe and FrankHallissey. The swim across the harbourin Kinsale is roughly 1.8km in length and is swum in an arc around thenavigation buoys from the Bulman to the main pier near the Trident. The swim took place on a flood tide and timeson the day were fast! 3 waves of swimmers were left off from 4pm, with the racetimed like a time trial. Declan was first out of the water, though not thefastest overall. The event was organised by the Sandycove IslandSwimming Club and funds raised on the day are donated to a very good cause, theRNLI. All four of the BTC contingent did very well on the day and reallyenjoyed the event, which was, as usual, really well organised and tremendousfun.